Current Endorsements
Our Endorsements
Past Endorsements
Our Endorsement Rules & Process
The Club may make endorsements of issues or candidates. Only a registered Democrat may be endorsed. Rules for endorsement are contained in these Bylaws; however, changes to the rules cannot take effect at the same meeting at which they are adopted. If problems arise with the endorsement procedure then procedures from the Los Angeles County Democratic Party shall prevail.
The following rules must be followed for all endorsements made by the Club.
- Endorsements may be made at regular meetings of the club or special endorsement meetings for which a ten day notification of intention to endorse in that race has been given.
- Endorsements require a 60% vote of those members present and voting.
- At the request of any member, voting on any endorsement shall be limited to those who have been members for two months.
- Voting at a meeting shall be by secret ballot, if requested by a member.
All Democratic candidates in a multi-democratic race in which there is to be consideration of endorsement must be notified in writing of the procedures to be used and must be invited to participate.
A candidate endorsement given by the Club may be removed for cause at a regular meeting of the Club by a 60% vote of those present and voting.
An issue may be endorsed by a 60% vote at any regular or special endorsement meeting for which ten days notice of the intent to vote has been given. At the request of any member of the Club, voting on an endorsement shall be limited to those who have been members of the Club for two months. Voting at a meeting shall be by secret ballot, if requested by a member.
“No Endorsement” shall always be an option included on a candidate or issue ballot.
Early after filing deadline there will be an interview process of candidates who want to be considered for endorsement (with appropriate notification).